Mel Ott


Mel Ott – RF (New York Giants) – elected in 1951 with 87.17% of the vote.

Carl Hubbell


Carl Hubbell – P (New York Giants) – elected in 1947 with 86.96% of the vote.

Jack Chesbro


Jack Chesbro – P (New York Yankees) – elected in 1946 by the Veteran’s Committee.

Dan Brouthers


Dan Brouthers – 1B (Buffalo Bisons) – elected in 1945 by the Veteran’s Committee.

9 February (Day 28)

icedarksmallphotograph of my apartment window, overlooking the Hudson River and NJ


Moments in the snow that I can’t forget:

  • I was 6 and we got this huge amount of snow. I’m talking, it was up to my 6-year-old shoulders. I don’t know why it stands out in my mind, but I just remember that first day after the snow had finally stopped. My dad, my brother, and I went out and built a crappy-looking snowman. My mom had hot chocolate waiting for us when we came in. I wore one of those stupid snowsuits that takes two people to get you out of it. My mom insisted I wear these ridiculous mittens. Everyone knows mittens suck; you can’t do anything with them on! So I’d keep ripping them off and my hands would freeze. My mom, watching from the family room window would open the front door and yell at me.
  • Another blizzard hit when I was 10. I was in middle school and the town was so small, we didn’t have school busses. I walked home with a friend that lived around the corner and the snow built up after shoveling the sidewalks was well above our heads. We made up this whole crazy adventure based on the fact that we couldn’t see anything but snow, the ground below us, and the sky.
  • I was a senior in high school and I got sick, so they obtained permission from my mom and I got into my car to go home. It had been snowing all morning, so the roads were packed with snow. I was the only person on the road. I had already had my license for a year, so I wasn’t a new driver, but it was the first time I had driven on more than an inch of snow. It was incredible the way the branches looked as I drove by. I don’t know, I can’t describe it in words. I’d need a full entry to even try.