4 June 2013



I’m very lucky to live in New York City and have an outdoor space. It’s a very sought after combination here and I somehow managed to nab the perfect living arrangement. So, in the big ugly planters my building put out on the terrace, I decided to put in my own flowers — Dahlias, Pansies, Impatients, and more… Really, what’s better than coming home from the “concrete jungle” and seeing green, pink, purple, and all the lush colors of spring and summer right out your windows and door?

8 May 2013



I woke up at 6 to rain, by 7 it was thundering, and by 9:30 it was clearing. The sun came out as I sat at my desk, working on a portrait of Jimmy Collins for my Baseball Hall of Fame Portraits series. The flowers on my terrace enjoyed the rain, though. Now they’re enjoying the blue sky and sunshine. I just love flowers with waterdrops on them…

25 April 2013

George Washington Bridge
George Washington Bridge

Oh New York. All my years growing up spending the weekends in Brooklyn with family, I never imagined I would actually get to live in New York City. I never thought I’d get to experience the complete sensory overload that is this city on a daily basis. I’ve been around the world and seen some amazing places, but all of them still pale in comparison.

Over 66 blocks of park on the Hudson. 51 blocks of park in the center of the city. A dense area of buildings you get dizzy from looking up at downtown. Bridges all around with construction and histories that you can marvel at. You can almost travel the world just by walking maybe 15 blocks. And just by walking out your front door, you can meet people from all walks of life, all spots on the political spectrum, and from countries you may never have even known existed. It’s incredible.

August will make 3 full years I’ve lived in the city. I may not live here forever, but I’ll enjoy every minute of it while I do.

19 March 2013

Dear You (my viewing audience),

Well it finally happened… I missed a day of posting. It was St. Patrick’s Day and I was celebrating. 🍀

I didn’t post yesterday while I tried to figure out what I wanted to do with the blog.

Truth be told, it was getting to be more work than fun. I started this project for fun, but recently I would find myself scrambling to post before midnight. It was actually stressful! So, now it’ll change.

Instead of posting every day, I’ll just post when I post. When I take a picture I’m particularly proud of, I’ll post it. When I draw something I think you might enjoy, I’ll post it. No pressure.

Thanks for following along thus far. I hope you’ll stick around.

KeithBobblehead Keith thinks the new arrangement is a good idea

10 March 2013 (Day 57)



I remember being a little girl and spending hours admiring the way the sun filtered through a window and danced on the walls or the wood floors. I’d trace the shadows with my finger and I’d sway with the shadows of the trees.

There was this huge sycamore tree next to my bedroom window in the house I grew up in. The sun would set behind it and peak through all the leaves, creating a brilliant show of fluttering shadows on my walls. It didn’t matter what I was doing, I had to run up to my room when I could see the sun was setting. I had to be there for that magical half hour or so every night.

Living in a high-rise building in NYC, I don’t get shadows of the leaves on my walls anymore. This picture is from my parents’ apartment. I was hanging out there and got a headache, so my mom said I should lie down. I took a little nap and when I woke up, I saw the way the hedges on the terrace were casting shadows on the window and it just brought me back to my childhood.


Also, today makes TWO MONTHS that I’ve done an entry a day! What a challenge and adventure. It’s been mostly photographs for a while now as I juggle a million things and find it easier to use photography since I can do it all on my phone while on the go. I’ve enjoyed the challenge of trying to find things to photograph that might be interesting. It’s even more of a challenge than drawing or doing something similar. I’ve enjoyed each and every day so far and hope I can continue this for much longer!