29 January 2013 (Day 17)

IMGP0831Sharpie marker on Bristol board


I’m sick but still keeping up with the entry a day! I was going to make this a longer entry, but definitely don’t have the desire. I want to just crawl back into my bed.

17 January 2013 (Day 5)

Scan 10

collage of colored construction paper with an ink drawing on top


I am the person who watches the clouds float through the sky. I am the person who watches the grass rustle and the trees sway. I notice patterns in tree bark, step over cracks in sidewalks, and marvel at straight edges in buildings. I can stare at a tree all day long and never tire of it. I listen to the gentle lapping of water and feel soothed. Sand in my toes or dirt on my hands feels natural. I can close my eyes, imagine a flower, and be overcome by the smell of it though it’s not in front of me. Birds soaring in the sky is a marvelous sight to me and open fields make my heart skip a beat. Snow falling on my face is an indescribable joy. As a kid, I played in streams and rolled around in the grass. I wish I could still do that.

I am part of nature. I may live in a big city with sheltering walls and artificial means of heat, but I am of and from nature. The science behind what makes the sky blue is of no concern to me. All I care about is that the sky is blue and what a beautiful blue it is today.

The Beginning

Dear Readers,

I created this blog as a challenge to myself. Every single day for the next week, I’m going to write an entry. If I meet that goal, I’ll extend it to a month. If I meet that goal, I’ll extend it further. Each entry will be one of three things: a letter to someone or something, most often addressed as “you” to protect privacy, a drawing, or a photograph. Sometimes it’ll be a combination of the three.

There are a few reasons I’m doing this, but I’ll simplify it. At this point in my life, I’ve come to realize that you have to let things go in order to move forward. I’ve always had a difficult time letting go of things/people and writing letters to them, though they may never read them, helps me. Also, as an artist, I get so caught up in the specific projects I’m working on at the moment that I forget the simple joy of sketching or creating a drawing just for the fun of it. Art becomes work. I’m hoping this exercise will help me remember why I love art so much.

The challenge begins today, Sunday, January 13, 2013.