7 February 2013 (Day 26)

2013-02-07 14.19.42

digital drawing done on an iPad


I downloaded this app on my iPad that I thought would entertain my 3-year-old niece. It didn’t. It entertains me, though! It creates these cool kaleidoscope images by mirroring each mark you make. You can make very simple ones or you can be like me and spend a ridiculous amount of time making a more intricate one. This one is comprised of only very short strokes. There are at least 2 dozen layers.

29 January 2013 (Day 17)

IMGP0831Sharpie marker on Bristol board


I’m sick but still keeping up with the entry a day! I was going to make this a longer entry, but definitely don’t have the desire. I want to just crawl back into my bed.

27 January 2013 (Day 15)


digital portrait created in Adobe Illustrator


Today makes two whole weeks since I started this entry-a-day challenge! I’m going to skip the goal of three weeks and go for a goal of a month.

26 January 2013 (Day 14)

Scan 5

birch woodblock with Sharpie marker on top


Another woodblock that may eventually turn into a print. In case the design looks familiar to some people, I used the Chrysler Building in NYC as inspiration.

24 January 2013 (Day 12)


photograph of an acrylic painting on plywood (extreme closeup)


Dear You,

If I had it all to do over again, I would.

Love Always,


17 January 2013 (Day 5)

Scan 10

collage of colored construction paper with an ink drawing on top


I am the person who watches the clouds float through the sky. I am the person who watches the grass rustle and the trees sway. I notice patterns in tree bark, step over cracks in sidewalks, and marvel at straight edges in buildings. I can stare at a tree all day long and never tire of it. I listen to the gentle lapping of water and feel soothed. Sand in my toes or dirt on my hands feels natural. I can close my eyes, imagine a flower, and be overcome by the smell of it though it’s not in front of me. Birds soaring in the sky is a marvelous sight to me and open fields make my heart skip a beat. Snow falling on my face is an indescribable joy. As a kid, I played in streams and rolled around in the grass. I wish I could still do that.

I am part of nature. I may live in a big city with sheltering walls and artificial means of heat, but I am of and from nature. The science behind what makes the sky blue is of no concern to me. All I care about is that the sky is blue and what a beautiful blue it is today.

15 January 2013 (Day 3)

Scan 4Acrylics on scrap paper painted with a palette knife

I decided I need to try more abstract forms of art. My art has always been very literal and easy to identify. I still don’t really enjoy making abstract art, but I think all artists should be familiar with all styles.

Also, it’s my birthday. 🙂