23 February 2014

As I mentioned in my last post, I’ve started writing in the blog that I set up on my site (located here). A couple of my friends asked if there was a way to follow my blog with their regular WordPress account, which I always just assumed you could do the same as if you were following this blog. After doing some research, I’ve got the answer for those of you who wish to start following my other blog with your WordPress account so that it shows up in your reader:

You can, but it’s a little different. Here’s a little help in doing so:

1. Go to your Reader section of WordPress. Here is where you find all the entries from the blogs you follow. On the right, you’ll see “Blogs I Follow” and the “Edit” button next to it. Click that.


2. It’ll bring up a text box above the list of blogs you follow. Type the URL of my blog into it  — kellyceline.com/blog — and then click “Follow” next to it.



Done! Now, my posts will show up in your reader as if it were a regular WordPress.com account. 🙂